I love soups... any soups. I love to make them and eat them! This is very hearty and gives you warmth. I like to put lots of gingers in this soup, but please adjust for your preference. You may not like carrots, or you may not like gingers, but you WILL LOVE this soup!

Carrots about 1lb cut into pieces
Leek(or onion) 1 chopped
Ginger about 2-3tbs jullienne or minced
Chicken stock 3-4cups
Olive oil or butter 1-2tbs
Salt and pepper
Heavy cream 1/2cup
Sautee leek(onion) with olive oil or butter and add ginger, then add carrots. Pour chicken stock and cook till carrots are tender. Put this mixture in the blender or use bar mixer and blend it well. Add heavy cream and season with salt and pepper.
にんじん 約1パウンド(450g)ぶつ切りにする
リークまたは玉ねぎ 1個 みじん切り
生姜 1−2かけ(お好みで)千切りかみじん切り
チキンブイヨン 3−4カップ
オリーブオイルまたはバター 大さじ1−2
生クリーム 半カップ