It has been almost 6 months since we moved here in the mountains in North Carolina. So many things have happened and I'd like to tell you time to time but something has been bothering me since I left and that is why I decided to start this blog.... "something" is that I promised many people that I would write recipes but I was unable to do so. It took me this long to start my project that I promised but here I am! Hope you enjoy my blog as much as I do!
The first recipe I am writing is Quinoa Salad. This recipe was created when I was hosting cooking classes, so it has to be over 10 years ago! Quinoa is now well known as a healthy food but when I first saw at Trader Joe's, I had to buy and make something. My students often told me I should get commission from them because I introduce their product so often and everybody came to my classes went straight there to get what I used.
My quinoa salad has a little asian twist but nobody would know it!
Quinoa. 1/2cup
Water. 1cup
cucumber. 1/3 piece diced
red onion. 1/4. Minced
cherry tomatoes. 8-10 cut in half
mint. 10-15 leaves chopped
if you like, you can add more veggies like green beans, red peppers, radishes and etc... you can add some shrimp or some protein to make this as a main dish!
fish sauce. 2tbs
fresh lime juice. 3tbs
olive oil 2-3tbs
Put quinoa and water in the pot and bring it to boil. When it boiled, turn the heat down and cover the pot and simmer until quinoa absorbs all the liquid. Let it cool. Add all the vegetables into quinoa. To make dressing, mix fish sauce and lime juice and add olive oil. Pour into the quinoa mix and let it sit about 30min.
キノア 1/2カップ
水 1カップ
きゅうり 1/3本 さいの目に切る
紫玉ねぎ 1/4個 みじん切り
チェリートマト 8-10個 半分に切る
ミントの葉 10-15枚 みじん切り
フィッシュソース 2tbs
ライム果汁 3tbs
オリーブオイル 2-3tbs